Using Get-IBSchema¶
In WAPI 1.7.5 (NIOS 6.12), Infoblox added a _schema
option to GET queries that will ignore most of the normal options and return a JSON view of the object model for the object type specified. This was presumably so that one could programmatically discover the WAPI object model without necessarily needing to look at the full HTML or PDF documentation. In WAPI 2.0 (NIOS 6.12 and 7.0), they expanded on the schema querying functionality by adding more metadata to the object model and a _get_doc
option that returned human readable text descriptions. It feels like they're trying to slowly move towards feature parity with the full HTML/PDF documentation which will be awesome if/when they get there.
The goal of Get-IBSchema
is to provide a Get-Help
style view of the WAPI object model so that you don't necessarily have to continually reference the full documentation as you are developing your code. Some of the WAPI objects have fairly large object models and the full output can be pretty dense and long. So there are a lot of parameters that can help filter the output to only what you want to see.
Most of the examples below will be queried from a WAPI 2.0+ appliance. They should work the same way against 1.7.5, but there might be less data returned.
The Basics¶
uses the same common connection settings as other *-IBObject queries including values saved with Set-IBConfig
. It's important to note that the WAPI will return a view of the schema that is filtered for the WAPI version you request. So if your WAPI version is 2.x and your requested version is 1.5, you'll get the schema that existed in WAPI 1.5. This is cool because you can do schema queries for WAPI versions that didn't originally support schema queries.
Calling Get-IBSchema
with no parameters or only a -WAPIVersion
will return the base schema which includes the list of supported versions and the list of supported objects. For example:
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema -version 1.5
Requested Version: 1.5
Supported Versions:
1.0 1.5 1.7.5 2.3
1.1 1.6 2.0 2.3.1
1.2 1.6.1 2.1 2.4
1.2.1 1.7 2.1.1 2.5
1.3 1.7.1 2.1.2 2.6
1.4 1.7.2 2.2 2.6.1
1.4.1 1.7.3 2.2.1 2.7
1.4.2 1.7.4 2.2.2
Supported Objects:
allrecords ipv6networkcontainer record:cname sharedrecord:a
csvimporttask ipv6range record:host sharedrecord:aaaa
discovery:device ipv6sharednetwork record:host_ipv4addr sharedrecord:mx
discovery:deviceinterface lease record:host_ipv6addr sharedrecord:srv
discovery:deviceneighbor macfilteraddress record:mx sharedrecord:txt
discovery:status member record:naptr snmpuser
fileop namedacl record:ptr view
fixedaddress network record:srv zone_auth
grid networkcontainer record:txt zone_delegated
grid:dhcpproperties networkview restartservicestatus zone_forward
ipv4address permission roaminghost zone_stub
ipv6address range scheduledtask
ipv6fixedaddress record:a search
ipv6network record:aaaa sharednetwork
To get the specifics for a particular object, add it with the -ObjectType
parameter. The "RESTRICTIONS" section are the operations not supported by this object. Some objects may also have a "CLOUD RESTRICTIONS" section that has the operations not supported when querying via a cloud appliance.
Without any additional parameters, the fields are displayed in a table format similar to the "Fields List" section from the full docs. The TYPE column shows the data type of that field and whether it is an array or not indicated by []
after the type name. The SUPPORTS column indicates what operations are allowed for each field (R = Read/Get, W = Write/Create, U = Update/Modify, D = Delete, S = Search). The BASE column indicates whether the field is returned by default as part of the base object. The SEARCH column indicates what types of searches are allowed against that field (case-insensitive, regex, greater than, etc). If the object has functions associated with it, those are displayed in a separate section below the fields table.
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member
member (WAPI 2.7)
scheduling, csv
----- ---- -------- ---- ------
active_position string R
additional_ip_list interface[] RWU
bgp_as bgpas[] RWU
comment string RWU S :=~
config_addr_type enum RWU S X =
dns_resolver_setting setting:dnsresolver RWU
dscp uint RWU
email_setting setting:email RWU
enable_ha bool RWU S =
enable_lom bool RWU
enable_member_redirect bool RWU
enable_ro_api_access bool RWU S =
extattrs extattr RWU
external_syslog_backup_servers extsyslogbackupserver[] RWU
external_syslog_server_enable bool RWU
host_name string RWU S X :=~
ipv4_address string S =
ipv6_address string S =
ipv6_setting ipv6setting RWU
ipv6_static_routes ipv6setting[] RWU
is_dscp_capable bool R
lan2_enabled bool RWU
lan2_port_setting lan2portsetting RWU
lcd_input bool RWU
lom_network_config lomnetworkconfig[] RWU
lom_users lomuser[] RWU
master_candidate bool RWU S =
member_service_communication memberservicecommunication[] RWU
mgmt_port_setting mgmtportsetting RWU
mmdb_ea_build_time timestamp R
mmdb_geoip_build_time timestamp R
nat_setting natsetting RWU
node_info nodeinfo[] RWU
ntp_setting member:ntp RWU
ospf_list ospf[] RWU
passive_ha_arp_enabled bool RWU
platform enum RWU S X =
pre_provisioning preprovision RWU
preserve_if_owns_delegation bool RWU S =
remote_console_access_enable bool RWU
router_id uint RWU S =
service_status memberservicestatus[] R
service_type_configuration enum RWU S X =
snmp_setting setting:snmp RWU
static_routes setting:network[] RWU
support_access_enable bool RWU
support_access_info string R
syslog_proxy_setting setting:syslogproxy RWU
syslog_servers syslogserver[] RWU
syslog_size uint RWU
threshold_traps thresholdtrap[] RWU
time_zone string RWU
trap_notifications trapnotification[] RWU
upgrade_group string RWU
use_dns_resolver_setting bool RWU
use_dscp bool RWU
use_email_setting bool RWU
use_enable_lom bool RWU
use_enable_member_redirect bool RWU
use_external_syslog_backup_servers bool RWU
use_lcd_input bool RWU
use_remote_console_access_enable bool RWU
use_snmp_setting bool RWU
use_support_access_enable bool RWU
use_syslog_proxy_setting bool RWU
use_threshold_traps bool RWU
use_time_zone bool RWU
use_trap_notifications bool RWU
use_v4_vrrp bool RWU
vip_setting setting:network RWU
vpn_mtu uint RWU
capture_traffic_control(action, interface, seconds_to_run)
capture_traffic_status() => status, file_exists, file_size
create_token() => pnode_tokens
read_token() => pnode_tokens
restartservices(restart_option, service_option)
Filtering Results¶
The full output of some objects can be pretty long and while you could just pipe the output to more
to get a paged view, you can also use -Fields
, -NoFields
, -Operations
, -Functions
, and -NoFunctions
to limit the output.
takes a string array (optionally with wildcards) and filters the field list to only those fields that match at least one of the strings. So if you wanted to filter IP and NAT related fields on the member
example above, you could do this:
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member -Fields ip*,nat*
member (WAPI 2.7)
scheduling, csv
----- ---- -------- ---- ------
ipv4_address string S =
ipv6_address string S =
ipv6_setting ipv6setting RWU
ipv6_static_routes ipv6setting[] RWU
nat_setting natsetting RWU
capture_traffic_control(action, interface, seconds_to_run)
capture_traffic_status() => status, file_exists, file_size
create_token() => pnode_tokens
read_token() => pnode_tokens
restartservices(restart_option, service_option)
And if you wanted to exclude the functions from the output, just add the -NoFunctions
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member -Fields ip*,nat* -NoFunctions
member (WAPI 2.7)
scheduling, csv
----- ---- -------- ---- ------
ipv4_address string S =
ipv6_address string S =
ipv6_setting ipv6setting RWU
ipv6_static_routes ipv6setting[] RWU
nat_setting natsetting RWU
is used to filter fields by the operations they support in the SUPPORTS column. It also takes a string array (no wildcards) comprised of letter codes you want to limit the results to. So if you only wanted to return the fields that are searchable, you could do this:
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member -Operations s -NoFunctions
member (WAPI 2.7)
scheduling, csv
----- ---- -------- ---- ------
comment string RWU S :=~
config_addr_type enum RWU S X =
enable_ha bool RWU S =
enable_ro_api_access bool RWU S =
host_name string RWU S X :=~
ipv4_address string S =
ipv6_address string S =
master_candidate bool RWU S =
platform enum RWU S X =
preserve_if_owns_delegation bool RWU S =
router_id uint RWU S =
service_type_configuration enum RWU S X =
If you're done checking field details and want to know about specific functions, -Functions
works the same way as -Fields
and -NoFields
works the same way as -NoFunctions
. So let's say you want to see the traffic capture related functions for member
, you could do something like this:
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member -Functions capture* -NoFields
member (WAPI 2.7)
scheduling, csv
capture_traffic_control(action, interface, seconds_to_run)
capture_traffic_status() => status, file_exists, file_size
Detailed View¶
The default view of fields and functions is intended to be a quick reference. But particularly for functions, sometimes you need more detail. For that, you can use the -Detailed
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member -Functions capture* -NoFields -Detailed
member (WAPI 2.7)
scheduling, csv
Starts/Stops a traffic capture session on the specified member node.
action <{ START | STOP }>
The traffic capture action.
interface <{ ALL | HA | LAN1 | LAN2 | MGMT }>
The interface on which the traffic is captured.
seconds_to_run <uint>
The number of seconds for which the traffic capture is going to run.
Gets traffic capture status on the specified member node.
The status of the capture operation for the member.
file_exists <bool>
Determines if the capture file for the member exist or not.
file_size <uint>
The size of the traffic capture file for the member.
It can also help to get details for fields as well. Let's add the -Detailed
flag to one of our previous examples:
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member -Fields ip*,nat* -NoFunctions -Detailed
member (WAPI 2.7)
scheduling, csv
ipv4_address <string>
The member's IPv4 Address.
Supports: Search
This field is available for search via:
'=' (exact equality)
ipv6_address <string>
The member's IPv6 Address.
Supports: Search
This field is available for search via:
'=' (exact equality)
ipv6_setting <ipv6setting>
IPV6 setting for member.
Supports: Read, Write, Update
ipv6_static_routes <ipv6setting[]>
List of IPv6 static routes.
Supports: Read, Write, Update
nat_setting <natsetting>
NAT settings for the member.
Supports: Read, Write, Update
Raw Output and HTML Fallback¶
For whatever reason, you may want to just get the raw schema data back instead of a pretty printed view. In that case, use the -Raw
switch. Filtering parameters are ignored when using -Raw
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member -Raw
cloud_additional_restrictions : {}
fields : {@{doc=The active server of a Grid member.; is_array=False; name=active_position;
standard_field=False; supports=r; type=System.Object[]}, @{doc=The additional IP list
of a Grid member. This list contains additional interface information that can be used
at the member level. Note that interface structure(s) with interface type set to
'MGMT' are not supported.; is_array=True; name=additional_ip_list; schema=;
standard_field=False; supports=rwu; type=System.Object[]; wapi_primitive=struct},
@{doc=The BGP configuration for anycast for a Grid member.; is_array=True;
name=bgp_as; schema=; standard_field=False; supports=rwu; type=System.Object[];
wapi_primitive=struct}, @{doc=Starts/Stops a traffic capture session on the specified
member node.; is_array=False; name=capture_traffic_control; schema=;
standard_field=False; supports=rwu; type=System.Object[]; wapi_primitive=funccall}...}
restrictions : {scheduling, csv}
schema_version : 2
type : member
version : 2.7
wapi_primitive : object
Until schema queries reach feature parity with the HTML docs, it may still occasionally be necessary to view the full HTML. In these cases, you can use -LaunchHTML
as a shortcut to get to the specific object page you want to view. It will attempt to "start" the URL for that page which should open your default web browser to the location.
PS C:\> Get-IBSchema member -LaunchHTML
# (launches browser to https://<WAPIHost>/wapidoc/objects/member.html)