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Stateless Mode

Particularly in cloud environments, being able to use the module without needing to run an explicit configuration command like Set-IBConfig can be very useful. Posh-IBWAPI 4.0 now allows you to do that by specifying configuring the properties of a typical connection profile as environment variables. If the module is imported and sees these environment variables, they will override any local config file that may exist.


The environment variable based profile will also override any SecretManagement related environment variables which are also new in 4.0

Supported Environment Variables

The rules for these values mimic the rules for the equivalent parameters in Set-IBConfig except the Credential is split out into separate username and password values.

Name Example Notes
IBWAPI_HOST (Required) This can be an FQDN or IP address
IBWAPI_VERSION 2.12.1 (Required) A valid WAPI version string
IBWAPI_USERNAME admin (Required) The account username
IBWAPI_PASSWORD infoblox (Required) The plaintext password
IBWAPI_SKIPCERTCHECK False (Optional) False if not defined, empty, or equal to 'False', 'No', or '0'

The values are read during module import. So if you set them after the module is already loaded or need to change the values, you will need to force re-load the module for them to take effect.

Import-Module Posh-IBWAPI -Force

You'll know it's working if you run Get-IBConfig and see a profile called ENV with your details similar to this:

ProfileName WAPIHost       WAPIVersion CredentialUser SkipCertificateCheck
----------- --------       ----------- -------------- --------------------
ENV 2.12.1      admin          False

Also a warning will be thrown if you attempt to use Set-IBConfig or Remove-IBConfig while an environment variable based profile is active.