A PowerShell module to help with Infoblox automation via WAPI requests and functions. It is not intended to wrap every object into a set of custom cmdlets or strong types. Instead, it aims to hide the some of the tedious complexity in calling the Infoblox REST API via PowerShell.
- Automatic paging for large GET result sets (Requires WAPI version 1.5+)
- Automatic session handling
wrappers for upload/download WAPI functions. (Guide)- Optionally return all fields for an object without needing to specify each one individually (Requires WAPI version 1.7.5+)
- Use
for Get-Help style querying of the WAPI object model (Requires WAPI version 1.7.5+). (Guide) - Error details in the body of HTTP 400 responses are exposed instead of being swallowed by Invoke-RestMethod.
- Optionally batch pipelined requests to increase performance.
- Optionally ignore certificate validation errors.
- Save connection profiles to use automatically with functions instead of supplying them to each call. Multiple profiles supported for multi-grid environments or differing credentials on the same grid.
- SecretManagement support for connection profiles. (Guide)
- Cloud friendly stateless mode supported via environment variables. (Guide)
- Cross-platform PowerShell support
Installation (Stable)¶
The latest release can found in the PowerShell Gallery or the GitHub releases page. Installing is easiest from the gallery using Install-Module
. See Installing PowerShellGet if you run into problems with it.
# install for all users (requires elevated privs)
Install-Module -Name Posh-IBWAPI -Scope AllUsers
# install for current user
Install-Module -Name Posh-IBWAPI -Scope CurrentUser
If you use PowerShell 5.1 or earlier, Install-Module
may throw an error depending on your Windows and .NET version due to a change PowerShell Gallery made to their TLS settings. For more info and a workaround, see the official blog post.
Installation (Development)¶
Use the following PowerShell command to install the latest development version from the git main
branch. This method assumes a default PSModulePath
environment variable and installs to the CurrentUser scope.
iex (irm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rmbolger/Posh-IBWAPI/main/instdev.ps1)
You can also download the source manually from GitHub and extract the Posh-IBWAPI
folder to your desired module location.
Quick Start¶
Every WAPI call needs a host, version, and credentials. Set them once using Set-IBConfig
and you won't need to add them to every call. If your grid is still using self-signed certs, you may also need to use the SkipCertificateCheck
parameter. In addition to standard version numbers like '2.2'
, the -WAPIVersion
parameter also accepts 'latest'
and will query the grid master for the latest supported version.
Set-IBConfig -ProfileName 'mygrid' -WAPIHost 'gridmaster.example.com' `
-WAPIVersion 'latest' -Credential (Get-Credential) -SkipCertificateCheck
Retrieve a set of objects using Get-IBObject
. The only required parameter is ObjectType
. Everything else like filters and return fields are optional.
Get-IBObject 'record:host'
Get-IBObject 'record:host' -Filter @{'name~'='example\.com'} -MaxResults 10 -ReturnField 'extattrs'
If you're just exploring the WAPI object model, it can be helpful to convert the resulting objects back to JSON for readability.
Get-IBObject 'record:host' | Select -First 1 | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
You may notice that all objects returned by Infoblox have a _ref
field. That is known as the object reference and can be used in any function that accepts an ObjectRef
parameter. In the case of Get-IBObject
, it will return that specific object.
Get-IBObject -ObjectRef 'record:host/asdfqwerasdfqwerasdfqwerasdfqwer'
Create a new object with New-IBObject
by supplying the object type and an object with the minimum required fields defined. Embedded WAPI functions work just fine here.
# Build the record:host object we want to create.
# NOTE: An error will be thrown if the example.com DNS zone doesn't
# exist in Infoblox
$newhost = @{
name = 'web1.example.com'
ipv4addrs = @(
@{ ipv4addr = '' }
comment = 'web server'
# Create the object
New-IBObject -ObjectType 'record:host' -IBObject $newhost
# Modify the object so we can make another and this time use an
# embedded function to set the IP address.
$newhost.name = 'web2.example.com'
$newhost.ipv4addrs = @(
@{ ipv4addr = 'func:nextavailableip:'}
New-IBObject -ObjectType 'record:host' -IBObject $newhost
To modify an existing object, the easiest way is usually to get a copy of it, modify the copy, and save the result with Set-IBObject
. Be wary of objects that return read-only fields. You need to strip them out before saving or an error will be thrown.
# Get a copy of the host
$myhost = Get-IBObject 'record:host' -Filter 'name=web1.example.com'
# Modify the first listed IP address
$myhost.ipv4addrs[0].ipv4addr = ''
# remove the read-only 'host' field from the nested 'record:host_ipv4addr' object
# Save the result
$myhost | Set-IBObject
If you need to make the same change to a set of objects, you can also pass the set of object references via the pipeline and use a template object to change all of them in the same way.
# Get all hosts in the Los Angeles site
$laHosts = Get-IBObject 'record:host' -Filter @{'*Site'='Los Angeles'}
# Move them to the New York site
$laHosts | Set-IBObject -Template @{extattrs=@{Site=@{value='New York'}}}
Deleting one or more objects is as simple as passing one or more object references to Remove-IBObject
# Get hosts being decommissioned
$toDelete = Get-IBObject 'record:host' -Filter 'comment=decommission'
# Delete them
$toDelete | Remove-IBObject
For more examples, check the Definitive REST Examples guide.
Requirements and Platform Support¶
- Supports Windows PowerShell 5.1 (Desktop edition) with .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later
- Supports PowerShell 7.0 or later (Core edition) on all supported OS platforms.
- Supports any NIOS/WAPI version, but only regularly tested against Infoblox supported versions.